Puzzles & Traps

Puzzles and traps are encounters that must be solved with a mix of cleverness, intellect, and often agility. They are marked with a bear trap icon in the top right corner of the lore scroll.

Read the card and follow the instructions.

If you want to use an ability to help you (such as Asrah’s Jack of All Trades) you must play the card before you roll.

Most puzzles and traps require the player(s) to roll the die to see what happens. Some, like the example encounter card to the left, give a series of numbers (roll 3/4/5). This is a way to scale the difficulty of the card based on the number of people playing the game. The first number is for games with only 2 players, the second for 3-4 players, and the last for 5-6 players.

Once the puzzle is completed, the active player may draw a number of treasure cards equal to the number listed by the treasure chest icon at the bottom. In this example, four treasure cards.