Vari the eclectic merchant

Several identical cards in the Encounter deck return the heroes mysteriously back to the merchant tent where they started. Once at Vari's tent, the heroes may give the gold they've acquired exploring the labyrinth to Vari to be used in his summoning spells.

For a single bag of gold Vari can summon any craftable item of the player's choosing. Discard the bag of gold and draw the desired magic scroll or potion from the crafting bank at the center of the table.

For three bags of gold or a single chest of gold, Vari can summon a powerful artifact, but only at random (meaning the player may draw the top card from the artifact deck). Unlike the single-use craftable magic gear, the artifacts may be kept and used over and over again, but you can't choose which one you'll get.

Among the artifacts are four magic rings of elemental power. Once all four rings are summoned, Vari can perform a ritual that frees the heroes from the cursed labyrinth, allowing all to return home.  Summon all four rings and you win the game!